Pierre Botes
For me, at 60 years of age and now more than ever being aware of mortality and of how quickly life can change, this hike gave me the opportunity to enter the inner world of heart and mind. To be alone and at peace in a space and place of simple beauty.
Pierre Steyn
The Namib desert is an unspoilt wilderness where you do not follow the foot prints of others but only leave your own. This hike is going to become one of the iconic hikes of the world. It is wild and breathtakingly beautiful. It filters and cleans your inner world. I cannot wait to do it again.
Arina Botes – Day 2
This morning started in typical West Coast mist – all was silent and serene and then…out of the mist, looms the wreck of the Shawnee. At 20 km we turned away from the shore, inland. This last stretch was hard, but is the most beautiful and rewarding day – an absolute highlight to see the unblemished Namib desert all around you.
Michelle Staal
This morning I was looking for socks. I took out a pair that I used during the Namib100. Although it was washed, some sand fell out when I unrolled it….and immediately I was missing every single detail of this wonderful hike. The rest of the day, I felt so content and at peace, feeling the sand of the Namib between my toes.
Franci Swart
Die Namib 100 bied ‘n fisiese en geestelike reis sonder gelyke, maar vir die entoesiastiese fotograaf is dit ook ‘n uiters seldsame en eksklusiewe geleentheid om een van die unieke natuurwonders van die wêreld op kamera vas te lê. Die wye woestyn vistas, unieke natuurverskynsels, flambojante flaminke en ruwe skeepswrakke bied ‘n verskeidenheid van fotografiese temas.
Anette Grobler
The hike is sacred and should not be attempted by the wealthy, fit and experienced hiker, but by those who are familiar with the size of the grain of sand, how the one fits into the other, how interdependent we are on each other and how collectively we form the very Namib we have the privilege to hike through. After a great many hikes in a great many countries, this is the one that will stay with me for the longest period of time. The Namib is a sacred place, the hike a small section of the oldest desert in the world, is a sacred act.
Gerrit Rautenbach
To do any off the rack tour to for instance Phuket will probably cost the same or more, but this experience is a once in a lifetime thing and not something that you can put a monitory value on.
Marienne Burger – Day 3
The best day! It is the day you leave the coast and start walking the dunes and desert. You climb quite a bit, but the dune sand is hard. This day was unforgettable and for me it stands above the rest of the hike – literally and figuratively. I want to walk this day again and again. I felt so proud of myself and everyone else! Our camp site was amazing. The pressure of corporate life forgotten when I sit around the fire in the middle of nowhere.
Karien Schoeman
Fantastic birding and photo opportunities. The magnitude of the logistics is so mind boggling, I completely understand the cost to make this hike happen. On the other hand, the places on earth where you can feel so completely alone but content and in sync with your inner self, are few….Not your commercial, run of the mill type of hike.
Lizaan Rademeyer
A life changing experience. “Travel is not a reward for working, it is education for living”. Hiking the Namib100 made me realise that these words are the inheritance I want to give to my children and that I would want to give them opportunities like this to understand and appreciate themselves and the wonderful world we live in. Away from the techno world in which they are growing up. I was truly touched by this experience.
Susina Jooste
This trek into the Namib is the epitome of an African pilgrimage. You will see desolated mining ruins, ship wrecks and white washed carcasses of gemsbok (oryx), you will experience the almost sacred sand cathedrals of the Langewand, and will be escorted by the distant lone jackal; you will sleep in comfortable tents in the dunes and experience extraordinary desert cuisine. You will be touched by unexpected beauty of the changing vistas of sea and desert. And you will want to come back again!
Merwe Erasmus
Six weeks have passed since I am home from the Namib100. I am ready to do it again. Never before has any trip or hike lingered as long in my heart and mind as this one. Not a day goes by that I do not relive it.
Erns Grundling
An uncomparable, world-class slackpacking experience in the Namib desert. It reminds of iconic hikes like the Camino de Santiago and the Kumano Kodo in Japan. Breathtaking and diverse landscapes, excellent food and customer service by the Live the Journey team, and above all silence, silence, silence… A much-needed break from all the demands of modern life and digital technology. Pure bliss!
Ronel Steyn
A five day hike stretching over 100km, The Namib100 takes you through one of the wildest, most unspoiled places on the planet. As a part of the greater Skeleton Coast, you will walk over massive sand dunes in the Namib, the world’s oldest desert, with only your thoughts as company, and along the Sandwich Harbor lagoon rich with sea and bird life. This stretch of Namibia has ancient history, a place of old diamond claims, sun bleached whale bones and shipwrecks that hide in the mist. You’ll follow no tracks and leave just your own. It is one of the world’s iconic hikes.
Emma de Wet Swanepoel
I must admit that when I heard we are going to hike this route, I thought that every day would be the same scenery. How wrong I was!! Every single day is completely different from the day before. The day we walked the dunes was the highlight for me. I was also surprised by how alive the desert is! The fantastic support team, the food, a hot shower every evening…a bucket list experience! I came with a cluttered mind and left with a happy and content soul. The best medicine for burn out!